David Dunn - Mountains Lyrics

Mountains Lyrics

It's a chilly winter's night
Not a cloud up in the sky
A tapestry of distant light
Shining down from up on high

All creation will proclaim,
All the glories of the Lord
From the rivers to the plains,
Even the mountains sing Your praise

Its a warm summers day
Flowers dance the sparrows sing
takes my breath away
makes my heart rise up and sing

All creation will proclaim,
All the glories of the Lord
From the rivers to the plains,
Even the mountains sing Your praise

All creation will proclaim,
All the glories of the Lord
From the rivers to the plains,
Even the mountains sing Your praise
Even the mountains sing Your praise
Even the mountains sing Your praise

Mountains Video

Mountains Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

"Mountains" by David Dunn: A Journey of Faith and Trust in God


This powerful song takes listeners on a journey of faith and trust in God, as it explores the challenges and hardships we face in life. Through appropriate subheadings, we will analyze the main key messages of the song, delve into its meaning, and critically examine its biblical foundations.

Key Messages of the Song:

The song "Mountains" by David Dunn encompasses several key messages that can be observed chronologically from the lines. Let's explore them in detail:

1. Acknowledging the Mountains:
The song begins by acknowledging the presence of mountains in our lives. Mountains symbolize the challenges, obstacles, and struggles that we encounter. David Dunn sings, "In this life, I know what I've been, but here in Your arms, I'm free." This line suggests that while we may face mountains in life, we can find freedom and solace in God's embrace.

2. Trusting God's Faithfulness:
As the song progresses, it highlights the importance of trusting in God's faithfulness. Dunn sings, "So when I'm standing on the edge of the unknown, with the chaos around me, I'm not alone." These lyrics emphasize that even in uncertain and chaotic situations, God is with us, providing comfort and guidance.

3. Surrendering to God's Will:
Another important message conveyed in the song is the act of surrendering to God's will. Dunn sings, "I will climb this mountain with my hands wide open." This line suggests that instead of trying to conquer the mountains on our own, we should surrender to God's plan and allow Him to lead us through the challenges.

4. Finding Strength in Weakness:
The song also highlights the concept of finding strength in weakness. Dunn sings, "I know that I am weak, but I know who is strong." This line reminds us that our strength does not come from our own abilities, but rather from God, who empowers us to overcome the mountains we face.

5. Persevering and Growing in Faith:
As the song progresses, it encourages listeners to persevere and grow in their faith. Dunn sings, "I will climb, I will rise, even through the night, I will rise." These lyrics convey a message of resilience and determination, reminding us that even in the darkest times, we can continue to rise and grow in our faith.

Meaning of the Song:

The song "Mountains" carries a deep and profound meaning. It serves as a reminder that in life, we will inevitably face challenges and obstacles that may seem insurmountable. However, the song encourages us to trust in God's faithfulness, surrender to His will, and find strength in our weaknesses. By doing so, we can climb the mountains we face and grow in our faith, knowing that God is always with us.

Inspiration and Song Story:

Dunn's personal experiences and encounters with hardships may have also influenced the creation of this song. Regardless of the specific inspiration, "Mountains" offers a relatable and encouraging message for listeners.

Biblical Analysis:

To critically analyze the biblical foundations of "Mountains" by David Dunn, let's examine the song's key messages in light of Scripture:

1. Trusting in God's Faithfulness:
The message of trusting in God's faithfulness aligns with numerous passages in the Bible. Psalm 36:5 states, "Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds." This verse emphasizes God's unwavering faithfulness, assuring us that He will never leave nor forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6).

2. Surrendering to God's Will:
Surrendering to God's will is a biblical concept found throughout Scripture. Romans 12:1 encourages believers to offer their bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God. Jesus Himself modeled surrender in the Garden of Gethsemane, praying, "Not my will, but yours be done" (Luke 22:42). Surrendering to God's plan allows Him to work in and through us.

3. Finding Strength in Weakness:
The idea of finding strength in weakness is powerfully depicted in the Bible. In 2 Corinthians 12:9, Paul writes, "But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.'" This verse reminds us that God's power is manifested in our weaknesses, enabling us to overcome the mountains we face.

4. Persevering and Growing in Faith:
The call to persevere and grow in faith echoes throughout Scripture. James 1:2-4 encourages believers to consider it pure joy when facing trials, as they produce endurance and ultimately lead to spiritual maturity. Additionally, Jesus assures us that in this world, we will face tribulations, but we can take heart because He has overcome the world (John 16:33).

Overall, "Mountains" aligns with several biblical principles and teachings, emphasizing the importance of trust, surrender, finding strength in weakness, and persevering in faith.


"Mountains" by David Dunn takes listeners on a journey of faith and trust in God. Through its key messages of acknowledging the mountains, trusting in God's faithfulness, surrendering to His will, finding strength in weakness, and persevering and growing in faith, the song offers encouragement and hope. As we face the mountains in life, may we find solace and strength in God's presence, trusting Him to guide us through every challenge.

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